Monlab International Catalog V10.1

RAPID TESTS - Faeces Samples - FOB Instructions for collecting FECAL OCCULT BLOOD 1 2 3 4 5 PROCEDURE Instructions for the laboratory 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 3 Drops 5 Min. Instructions for the patient Results C T C T C T C T POSITIVE NEGATIVE INVALID Important PLEASE READ CAREFULLY No dietary restrictions are required before conducting the test. Do not perform the test during menstruation or if you have hemorrhoids. Avoid contaminanting the sample with urine. If necessary, place tissue paper in the toilet bowl to deposit stool on it, in order to be able to collect the stool sample easily. Flush the toilet to clean it. Position yourself so you are sitting in an opposite posture to the usual you adopt when you defecate (see figure) in order to make easier the fecal sample collection. Open the cap of the bottle by twisting. Collect a stool sample by scraping the stick on the stool 3-6 times. Insert the stick back in the bottle and twist the cap closed Shake the bottle and store it up to 5 days in the refrigerator (2-8ºC), until the sample is returned to the lab. 25